Response to Hilary Clinton speech on
women rights
By: Audrey Rivard, October 25 2014
Rodham Clinton speech on women rights in 1995 is famous. In front of a crowd,
mostly women, she calmly developped her point. Hilary Rodham Clinton mentionned
many types of women from around the world to present the fact that each and
every women is touched by women problems. Also, at the begining of the speech,
she mentionned that "if women are healthy and educated their families will
flourish". By saying so, she tried to demonstrate the importance of all women
in society even though their work and implication are no valued. Hilary Rodham
Clinton pursued with abuses against women from around the world. She mentionned
many of abuses occuring in poor countries. It is important to present human and
women rights that are violeted but she seems to forgot that some of these abuses
are happening also in her own country the United States of America. I personaly
think that she could have engaged herself to take real actions to help women of
her country while being the First Lady. Speeches are good but actions are even
better. Over all, this famous speech well presents the importance of women and
what they may suffer through their lives by being born women.