mercredi 17 septembre 2014

Important Cuts for the Malaysia Airlines
By Audrey Rivard, September 17th 2014

The Malaysia Airlines is forced to cut 6,000 workers this year in attempt to save the company according to the Huffington post. The Khazanah National is currently in charge of revamping the airline company, but the cut can not be postponed even if it represents 30% of the current employees.

The modifications by Khazanah National are evaluated at 6 billion ringgits which represent around 2 billion Canadian dollars. The Malaysia Airlines has not decided yet how the modifications are going to be directed, but according to the Huffington post the possibility to reduce the number and destinations of flight is an option. Also, modifications to this company were already scheduled because since 2010 no annual profit have been made according to the New York Times.

Let’s remember that in a short lap of four month this company went through two plane disasters. The Flight 370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing remains unsolved for a total of 537 victims.